Leads from Telegram by GEO

Продвижение в Телеграм

Leads from Telegram by GEO are the main source of orders in the context of emigration for expat businesses in our time. A lot of active and self-searching Russian-speaking people have scattered across different countries, where they have formed their own Telegram communities.

Leads from Telegram by GEO - what is it?

Leads from Telegram by GEO are the most inexpensive way to receive leads for your services in the Russian-speaking environment. Currently, the most active part of young people work all over the world. Most information and searches take place in Telegram groups formed according to the Topic-City principle. We can help you find a client in any country and on any topic if there is a demand for it. A customized key phrase monitoring system will allow you to automatically and at a minimal price receive hot leads from any city where there is a Telegram community.

Лиды из Telegram по ГЕО что это

Leads from Telegram by GEO - advantages

Leads from Telegram by GEO are a real plus for expats, whether they are emigrating or staying in a new country.
The advantages of this source for obtaining the necessary information or applications for your services:

  • Price. The average cost of an automatically configured tool is only $15 per month
  • Saving time and vision. You don’t need to sit in all the chats and read thousands of posts looking for what you need
  • You won’t miss any messages you need. Even the post that the moderator deleted will be sent.
  • If you posted an advertising message in a chat, and then you were banned from it, this is also not a problem. We will send the necessary message even from groups where you have been blocked
  • Receiving information occurs at the same moment as it is written. Notifications arrive instantly. Be sure to turn on the sound on your phone 🔊.

Leads from Telegram for Batumi

Leads from Telegram for Batumi are the hottest audience of your potential clients living in a given GEO who are looking specifically for your services, information or products.
Anyone who subscribes to 2 groups is given a 10 ₾ discount on each subscription with other topics. When you pay for a 6-month subscription, you get a free 1-month subscription.
If you need to receive leads/information on an individual topic, write here.

Leads for legal services in Batumi price?

Заявки для юриста в Батуми

Leads for legal services in Batumi cost from 2 ₾ per potential client. You will only need to write to the client directly in his Telegram – his nickname and a link to his post will be available (which may already be deleted – keep this in mind).
Now there will be 2-3 requests per day, in the season it can be from 10 per day. A monthly subscription to applications from Telegram for lawyers in GEO Batumi costs 50 ₾. Subscribe and choose a tariff by clicking on the button 👇.

Подпишись на платные группы с лидами

How to find tenants for my property in Batumi?

Снимут квартиру в Батуми
You can find tenants to rent your apartment in Batumi by subscribing to a group that will receive messages from all over the Russian-language Telegram about your desire to rent. You will only need to write to the client directly in his Telegram – his nickname and a link to his post will be available (which may already be deleted – keep this in mind).
The group will now receive ~20-30 requests about the desire to rent/rent; during the season there may be more than 100 per day. A monthly subscription to a group with rental applications in Batumi costs 50 ₾. Subscribe and choose a tariff by clicking on the button 👇.

Подпишись на платные группы с лидами

I want to find an apartment for rent in Batumi - can you help?

Сдают квартиру в Батуми

You can find an apartment or premises for rent in Batumi by subscribing to a group that will receive messages from all over the Russian-language Telegram about renting. You will only need to write to the owner or realtor directly on his Telegram – his nickname and a link to his post will be available (which may already be deleted – keep this in mind).
The group will now receive ~500 requests about the desire to rent out an apartment/room; during the season there may be more than 1000 per day. A monthly subscription to a group with rental applications in Batumi costs 50 ₾. Subscribe and choose a tariff by clicking on the button 👇.

Подпишись на платные группы с лидами

I need to find a buyer for an apartment in Batumi - how much does it cost?

Купят квартиру в Батуми

You can find a buyer for an apartment or premises in Batumi by subscribing to a group that will receive messages from all over the Russian-language Telegram about the purchase. You will only need to write to the owner or realtor directly on his Telegram – his nickname and a link to his post will be available (which may already be deleted – keep this in mind).
The group will now receive ~10-20 requests about the desire to buy an apartment/premises; during the season there may be more than 100 per day. A monthly subscription to a group with rental applications in Batumi costs 50 ₾. Subscribe and choose a tariff by clicking on the button 👇.

Подпишись на платные группы с лидами

Can you find offers for the sale of real estate in Batumi?

Продают квартиру в Батуми

You can buy an apartment from the owner in Batumi by subscribing to a group that will receive messages from all over the Russian-language Telegram about the sale of real estate. You will only need to write to the owner or realtor directly on his Telegram – his nickname and a link to his post will be available (which may already be deleted – keep this in mind).
The group will now receive ~20-50 offers for the sale of an apartment/premises; during the season there may be more than 100 per day. A monthly subscription to a group with sales of apartments/premises from owners in Batumi costs 50 ₾. Subscribe and choose a tariff by clicking on the button 👇.

Подпишись на платные группы с лидами

Need leads for a plumber in Batumi, price?

Заявки для сантехника в Батуми

You will only need to write to the author of the post directly in his Telegram – his nickname and the link to his post will be available (which may have already been deleted – keep this in mind). Leads for a plumber in Batumi cost only 30 ₾ for a month.

Now plumbers are searched for on Telegram 1-2 times a day, during the season – from 10 requests. Subscribe and select a tariff by clicking the button 👇.

Подпишись на платные группы с лидами

Are there any requests for installation and maintenance of air conditioners?

Заявки на ремонт и установку кондиционера

You will only need to write to the author of the post directly in his Telegram – his nickname and the link to his post will be available (which may have already been deleted – keep this in mind). Leads for air conditioners in Batumi cost only 30 ₾ for a monthly subscription.

Currently, services for repair, maintenance and installation of air conditioners in Batumi are searched on Telegram 1-2 times a day, during the season – 10-20 requests per day. Subscribe and select a tariff by clicking the button 👇.

Подпишись на платные группы с лидами

Need orders for an electrician in Batumi, can you help?

Заявки для электрика в Батуми

You will only need to write to the author of the post directly in his Telegram – his nickname and the link to his post will be available (which may have already been deleted – keep this in mind). Requests for an electrician in Batumi cost only 30 ₾ for a month.
Now electrician services in Batumi are searched on Telegram 1-2 times a day, during the season – at least 10-20 requests a day. Subscribe and select a tariff by clicking the button 👇.

Подпишись на платные группы с лидами

Do you need orders for a specialist in gas boilers, boilers, heating in Batumi, price?

Заявки для мастера по газовым котлам, бойлерам, карме и отоплению в Батуми

You will only need to write to the author of the post directly in his Telegram – his nickname and the link to his post will be available (which may have already been deleted – keep this in mind). Advertisements for a master of gas boilers, boilers, karma and heating in Batumi cost only for a month – 30 ₾.
Nowadays, heating specialists in Batumi are searched for on Telegram 1-2 times a day, during the season – at least 10-20 requests a day. Subscribe and select a tariff by clicking the button 👇.

Подпишись на платные группы с лидами

Can you help me find orders for apartment renovation in Batumi?

Заявки на ремонт квартир в Батуми

You will only need to write to the author of the post directly in his Telegram – his nickname and the link to his post will be available (which may have already been deleted – keep this in mind). Leads for revision in Batumi cost only 50 ₾ when subscribing for a month.
Currently, performers of various types of finishing work in Batumi are searched on Telegram 1-2 times a day, during the season – at least 10-20 requests per day. Subscribe and select a tariff by clicking the button 👇.

Подпишись на платные группы с лидами

Is there a self-help group in Batumi for mutual exchange of ₾ - RUB on a card?

Группа взаимопомощи по переводу лари рубли
You will only need to write to the author of the post directly in his Telegram – his nickname and the link to his post will be available (which may have already been deleted – keep this in mind). We recommend making this exchange in person to avoid falling into the hands of scammers.
A subscription to a mutual aid group in Batumi for the exchange of rubles – lari (or other combinations) costs only  50 ₾ for a month.
Now requests for this mutual exchange of currency to a card in Batumi in Telegram occur 2-5 times a day, during the season – at least 10-20 requests a day. Subscribe and select a tariff by clicking the button 👇.

Подпишись на платные группы с лидами

Contact us

This page will be filled with tools to generate leads on various topics and GEOs. If you would like to discuss details or need a tool on your topic in your GEO, simply fill out this form – we will contact you as soon as possible. We can everything related to the promotion of small businesses.
